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Birmans 2016

Mister Freeze (Blue Tabby Point) - Miami Dream (Chocolat Tabby Point) - Magic Boy (Seal Tabby Point) du Domaine de Shiva

Par Holly de la Grande Bastet (Blue Point) & Eole de Lunasai (Seal Tabby Point) - Champion du Monde

Holly Eole 2
Naissance chatons Holly
Sony X3000
Sony X3000 003
Sony X3000 005s
Sony X3000 007
Sony X3000 009
Sony X3000 010
Sony X3000 047
12 jours
Sony X3000 079
Sony X3000 105
Sony X3000 113
Sony X3000 117
Sony X3000 126
Sony X3000 129
Sony X3000 140
Sony X3000 184
Sony X3000 190
Sony X3000 192
Sony X3000 194
Sony X3000 222
Sony X3000 223
Sony X3000 236sm
Sony X3000 300
Sony X3000 324
Sony X3000 328
Sony X3000 331
Sony X3000 434
Sony X3000 435
Sony X3000 436
Sony X3000 438
Sony X3000 444
Sony X3000 446
Sony X3000 449
1 mois dans 2 jours
1 mois & 2 jours
Sony X3000 584
Sony X3000 555
Sony X3000 505s
Sony X3000 512s
Sony X3000 613
Sony X3000 614
Sony X3000 605s
Sony X3000 606
Sony X3000 631s
Sony X3000 660
Sony X3000 668s
Sony X3000 673
Sony X3000 702
Sony X3000 717s
Sony X3000 779
Sony X3000 780
Sony X3000 807s
Sony X3000 814s
Sony X3000 832s
Sony X3000 749s
Sony X3000 756s
Calin Miami Mister
Sony X3000 853
Sony X3000 864s
Sony X3000 913s
Sony X3000 992
Sony X3000 996
Sony X3000 998s
Sony X3000 1105s
Sony X3000 1214s
Sony X3000 1217s
Sony X3000 1151s
Sony X3000 1298s
Sony X3000 1291s
Sony X3000 1320
Sony X3000 1324
Sony X3000 1348s
Sony X3000 1395
Sony X3000 1389s
Sony X3000 1400
Sony X3000 1429
Sony X3000 1404
Sony X3000 1441
Sony X3000 1446
Sony X3000 1457
Sony X3000 1462s
Sony X3000 1464s
Sony X3000 1505s
Sony X3000 1582s
Sony X3000 1587
Evolution chaton

Mister Freeze du Domaine de Shiva

Blue Tabby Point

A la maison (retraité)

Evolution Mister Freeze
1 mois
3 semaines
1 mois
Sony X3000 347s
Sony X3000 537s
Sony X3000 558s
Sony X3000 620
Sony X3000 751s
Sony X3000 766s
Sony X3000 821s
Sony X3000 862
Sony X3000 1070s
Sony X3000 1319
Sony X3000 1313
Sony X3000 1306s
Sony X3000 1503s
Sony X3000 1536
Sony X3000 1574

Magic Boy du Domaine de Shiva (Mao)

Seal Tabby Point

(Hérault - Compagnie)

Evolution Magic Boy
Sony X3000 113
Sony X3000 143
Sony X3000 521
Sony X3000 726
Sony X3000 833
Sony X3000 827
Sony X3000 515s
Sony X3000 1014s
Sony X3000 876
Sony X3000 1065s
Sony X3000 1397
Sony X3000 1392
Sony X3000 1359
Sony X3000 1482
Sony X3000 1437
Sony X3000 1566
Sony X3000 1530
Sony X3000 1477s
Sony X3000 1559

Miami Dream du Domaine de Shiva (Masha)

Chocolat Tabby Point

(Belgique - Compagnie)

Evolution Miami Dream
Sony X3000 285
Sony X3000 167
Sony X3000 304s
Sony X3000 474
Sony X3000 622
Sony X3000 601s
Sony X3000 603s
Sony X3000 671s
Sony X3000 684
Sony X3000 891
Sony X3000 694s
Sony X3000 712
Sony X3000 772
Sony X3000 760
Sony X3000 784
Sony X3000 767s
Sony X3000 1403
Sony X3000 1471s
Sony X3000 1557
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